Hi there! My name is Liliana and during the following weeks, our blog will be dedicated to our SIOP Young Investigator Award winners!
Please meet Luzius Mader, YI from Switzerland, in his own words.
My name is Luzius Mader and I studied Environmental Sciences with a major in Public Health at the ETH Zurich in Switzerland. I am working in childhood cancer research since 2014. In 2017, I completed my PhD entitled “Long-term socio-economic consequences after cancer during childhood, teenage, and young adulthood” at the Department of Health Sciences and Health Policy at the University of Lucerne in Switzerland. Currently, I am working as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Childhood Cancer Research Group at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center in Denmark.
My research focuses on evaluating the socio-economic burden of childhood cancer from a family perspective based on different cohort studies in the Nordic region. I am particularly interested in identifying socio-demographic and cancer-related risk factors for a higher socio-economic burden after childhood cancer in order to provide evidence-based recommendations for tailed support services along the cancer trajectory.
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