Meet the SIOP YI Awardees 2019 – Olga Taylor

Hi there! This week, we keep up with one more SIOP Young Investigator Award winner!

Please meet Olga Taylor, YI from the US in her own words.

Hello! I am Olga Taylor from Houston, Texas.

I received my Masters in Public Health from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health in 2009. The same year, I joined the Section of Hematology-Oncology in the Department of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children’s Hospital and in 2013, I started with the Epidemiology Program in our section as the Clinical Research Manager. My research interest is in the area of treatment-related toxicities and patient-reported outcomes among pediatric cancer patients.

Currently, I am working on two multisite projects, Adolescent and Childhood Cancer Epidemiology and Susceptibility Service (ACCESS) For Texas and Reducing Ethnic Disparities In Acute Leukemias (REDIAL) Consortium, under the supervision of Drs. Michael Scheurer and Philip Lupo.
