Meet the SIOP YI Awardees 2019 – Kam Tong Leung

Hi there! The congress is now fast approaching!

Please meet KT Leung, SIOP Young Investigator awardee of the week, from Hong Kong, in his own words.

Hi all, I am Kam Tong Leung from Hong Kong.

I did my PhD and postdoctoral training in the Department of Paediatrics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, working on the molecular mechanisms of hematopoietic stem cell trafficking.

Later on, I took up an academic position in the same Department and affiliated with the Hematology/Oncology team, which is headed by my mentor Prof Chi Kong Li. We are dedicated to discover novel and effective therapies for childhood leukemia through advanced research.

I look forward to sharing my recent work to you all in Lyon. Thank you SIOP for the prestigious award.
