Hi there! During the following weeks, our blog will be dedicated to our SIOP Young Investigator Award winners!
Please meet Hallie Coltin, YI from Canada, in her own words.
Dr. Hallie Coltin is a pediatric neuro-oncology fellow at The Hospital for Sick Children and an MSc candidate in Epidemiology. She completed her undergraduate medical degree at McGill University, general pediatrics residency at the University of British Columbia, and pediatric hematology-oncology fellowship at McGill University and the University of Ottawa. Her thesis work was supported by the Clinician Investigator Program at the University of Ottawa.
She looks forward to returning home to Montreal, Canada to begin working as a pediatric neuro-oncologist at CHU Sainte-Justine following her fellowship. She is grateful to have received a SIOP 2020 Young Investigator Award.
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