Meet the 2022 Young SIOP awardees - Anne Sophie Lind

Hi there! For the coming weeks, our blog will be dedicated to our Young SIOP Award winners!

Please meet Anne Sophie Lind, YI from the Denmark, in her own words.

I am a medical doctor working at the Department of Pediatrics, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. In June 2022, I finished my PhD from Aarhus University. My primary area of research focuses on childhood brain tumor populations. In this regard, I am a part of the national research environment “5C” (Danish Collaborative Comprehensive Childhood CNS tumor Consortium), the aim of which is to improve childhood brain tumor diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. 

Our projects involved examining the incidence, survival and treatment modalities of CNS tumors in Denmark  as well as sleep disorders as a late effect in this population. 

We have also assessed neurocognitive impairments, symptom burden and health-related quality of life in a national study of 170 childhood brain tumor survivors in Denmark. This study was awarded with the Young SIOP Investigator Award 2022 and I look forward to present it in Barcelona this year.
