Meet the 2022 Young SIOP awardees - Lauriane Lemelle

Hi there! For the coming weeks, our blog will be dedicated to our Young SIOP Award winners!

Please meet Lauriane Lemelle, YI from France, in her own words.

I am a pediatrician working in the SIREDO Pediatric Oncology Center, at Institut Curie in Paris since November 2017. I am part of the national renal tumor group and neuroblastoma group of the SFCE and I recently joined the European EXPeRT group on very rare tumors.

Prior to this, I completed a Masters in Genetics specializing in the molecular basis of oncogenesis, including a research internship in Paediatric Oncology Translational Research In the Dr G. Schleiermacher laboratory at Institut Curie.

Next year, I plan to do lab research in Dr A. Di Giannatale/ Pr F. Locatelli laboratory at Bambino Gesu in Roma.
