Meet the 2022 Young SIOP awardees - Manushak Avagyan

Hi there! For the coming weeks, our blog will be dedicated to our Young SIOP Award winners!

Please meet Manushak Avagyan, YI from France, in her own words.

I am a paediatric haematologist oncologist from Armenia, now living and working in Lyon, France. I am currently pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (supervised by Dr. Eva Steliarova-Foucher).

My current research involves childhood cancer registration and classification non-malignant CNS tumour registration practises and their impact on childhood cancer incidence overall. 

My recent research highlights the gap in childhood CNS incidence rates impacted by registration practise of non-malignant CNS. Non-malignant CNS tumours have a serious clinical impact as these tumours are the most common among children, have miscellaneous origins, and are the most difficult to treat if not removed completely. These tumours can also become lifelong diseases, requiring special resources be allocated for proper care. Excluding non-malignant CNS tumours from registration implies underestimation of CNS tumour incidence and overall cancer burden in children globally.

We are proud that the SIOP Scientific Board has decided to give this study the SIOP Young Investigator Award for 2022.
