Meet the 2021 Young SIOP awardees - Yuanhui Luo

Hi there! For the coming weeks, our blog will be dedicated to our Young SIOP Award winners!

Please meet Yuanhui Luo, YI from Hong Kong, in her own words.

I am Yuanhui Luo, a nurse researcher from mainland China. I just gained my PhD degree from The University of Hong Kong in August this year. 

My research area focuses on child and adolescent care, involving providing psychological interventions to children with cancer and their families. I am engaged in childhood cancer research for four years and have a strong research interest in resilience of parents of children with cancer. I have conducted a mixed-methods study on resilience, with the aim to thoroughly understand the parents’ responses to the stress and adversity. It is an essential prerequisite for designing appropriate psychological interventions to enhance resilience, promote mental health, and consequently enhance quality of life among the parents of children with cancer. 

Additionally, I conducted a RCT to examine the effectiveness of a mobile-based resilience training programme for the parents, which generates new knowledge and evidence and have great potential to implement routinely in clinical settings, thus have major clinical implications.
