Meet the 2023 Young SIOP awardees - Eleonora Looze

Hi there! For the coming weeks, our blog will be dedicated to our Young SIOP Award winners!

Please meet Eleonora Looze, YI from The Netherlands, in their own words.

My name is Eleonora Looze, and I am a PhD student at the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology in Utrecht, The Netherlands. I hold a Master of Science in Oncology from the VU University in Amsterdam and I am currently finishing up my medical degree at the University of Amsterdam. 

My PhD project, supervised by Prof. dr. Jan J. Molenaar and Dr. Karin P.S. Langenberg, focuses on drug sensitivity profiling on patient derived tumour material in the context of precision medicine. Within a global collaboration, including precision medicine program iTHER (The Netherlands), INFORM (international), and ZERO (Australia), we aim to integrate high-throughput drug screening with molecular profiling to predict treatment response. Our ambition is to integrate this functional approach to avoid ineffective treatments, and to identify novel treatment options for children with relapsed and refractory cancers.

We are very honored to be rewarded the SIOP Young Investigator Award 2023 and look forward to meet you in Ottawa.
