Meet the 2023 Young SIOP awardees - Mala Joosten

Hi there! For the coming weeks, our blog will be dedicated to our Young SIOP Award winners!

Please meet Mala Joosten, YI from The Netherlands, in their own words.

My name is Mala Joosten. By training I am a psychologist and I have been working in pediatric psychology and psycho oncology under supervision of Martha Grootenhuis since 2015. I currently work as a PhD student at the Princess Máxima Centre in Utrecht, the Netherlands. In my research projects, I am very interested in family members of children with an illness. For example, I have been studying long-term psychosocial wellbeing of parents and siblings of children with cancer. 

Besides, I like to focus on collaboration between research and practice: I’ve been working on an RCT to study the efficacy of an online intervention for parents of children with cancer. The results are promising and we are currently working towards implementation of the intervention. I am happy to share more about this project at SIOP 2023! 
