Meet the 2023 Young SIOP awardees - Lydia Rink

Hi there! For the coming weeks, our blog will be dedicated to our Young SIOP Award winners!

Please meet Lydia Rink, YI from Germany, in their own words.

Hello, my name is Lydia Rink and I am a fifth year pediatric resident at the university hospital of Essen,
Germany. I started my research on the topic of recurrent brain tumors in children as part of the German
HIT-REZ registry, a registry for children with recurrent brain tumors under the guidance of Prof. Gudrun Fleischhack.

Since then my work mostly concerned patients with relapsed medulloblastomas. With retrospective
studies I try to further evaluate the feasibility of different regimes of chemotherapy as well as surgery
and re-irradiation in this collective of heavily pretreated patients, with an emphasis on outpatient therapy regimens. Simultaneously the unwanted side effects and tolerability of said therapies are of great interest to me.

I hope to continue my research in the area of pediatric neuro-oncology with more fascinating projects
with the beginning of my pediatric haemato-oncology fellowship next year. I am very grateful for the
Young Investigator Award, and I am excited to take part in the SIOP 2023 Congress and look forward to
meet all knowledgeable participants and to present my research it in Ottawa this year.
